Identity theft prevention can be easily accomplished and you can effectively protect your personal and financial information. There are many avenues for individuals to obtain your personal information and with the popularity of the internet you must even more wary of providing personal information. Identity theft can damage your finances and make life very difficult for many years.
The main information that people look for is credit card information, debit card information, phone calling cards and your social security number. Identity theft can occur due to individuals going through your trash and accessing information online or through your computer.
To stop individuals from obtaining your personal information you need to destroy and personal statements that contain any of your financial information. This means that before you throw out the statements or recycle them you need to rip them up or shred them. Shredding is the best as the document cannot be reassembled afterwards.
You should never carry around your social security card but keep it locked up in a safe and fire proof place. Other cards that have your social security number should also be kept safe. It is also important to not leave any type of paper trail so make sure you either take all of your ATM, and receipts with you or don't request a receipt.
Your social security card should always be kept in a safe place that is fireproof and waterproof. A bank box and small safe are best. You only get one social security card and if someone should get yours then they can do almost anything in your name. You also want to eliminate a paper trail so try to stop getting receipts at ATMS or if you do have receipts make sure you destroy them.
Always keep your credit cards on you and don't let it out of your sight. If possible pay with cash when you can as any time you take your card out is the opportunity for someone to steal your number. Also make sure you know who is asking for your private and personal information. If someone calls from a bank make sure that their request is legitimate. If necessary you can contact the company yourself to ensure that they have requested that information.
You also want to keep track of your information by monitoring your credit report. You can receive a free credit report each year for free and you should look for suspicious information. You also should review your credit card statements each month and make sure you keep track of your purchases. - 29956
The main information that people look for is credit card information, debit card information, phone calling cards and your social security number. Identity theft can occur due to individuals going through your trash and accessing information online or through your computer.
To stop individuals from obtaining your personal information you need to destroy and personal statements that contain any of your financial information. This means that before you throw out the statements or recycle them you need to rip them up or shred them. Shredding is the best as the document cannot be reassembled afterwards.
You should never carry around your social security card but keep it locked up in a safe and fire proof place. Other cards that have your social security number should also be kept safe. It is also important to not leave any type of paper trail so make sure you either take all of your ATM, and receipts with you or don't request a receipt.
Your social security card should always be kept in a safe place that is fireproof and waterproof. A bank box and small safe are best. You only get one social security card and if someone should get yours then they can do almost anything in your name. You also want to eliminate a paper trail so try to stop getting receipts at ATMS or if you do have receipts make sure you destroy them.
Always keep your credit cards on you and don't let it out of your sight. If possible pay with cash when you can as any time you take your card out is the opportunity for someone to steal your number. Also make sure you know who is asking for your private and personal information. If someone calls from a bank make sure that their request is legitimate. If necessary you can contact the company yourself to ensure that they have requested that information.
You also want to keep track of your information by monitoring your credit report. You can receive a free credit report each year for free and you should look for suspicious information. You also should review your credit card statements each month and make sure you keep track of your purchases. - 29956
About the Author:
Identity Theft is a huge crime sweeping the US in recent years. You must protect your ID today. Identity Theft Agency Protection Reviews