The Radio Flyer Scooter is fashioned by the same company that produced the famous wagon known as the Flyer. Scooter models can be enjoyed by youngsters from five years old and under. Operation of a scooter is simple enough that most children can master the concept within minutes after being introduced to the toy. My 1st Scooter is great for teaching coordination and balance.
Young children who are fascinated by a razor will be able to manage a 1st Scooter. The model intended as an early childhood scooter known as the Flyer is created with a concern for the safety of the very young child. Physical abilities may not yet be developed to the point where the child can safely operate a standard scooter.
Stability is an important part of the design of My 1st Scooter. There are two front wheels and 1 rear wheel. This means scooters are less likely to turn sharply and send the operator tumbling. Standard scooters place the single wheel in front of the platform with the double wheels in the read. A scooter can be used as a tow wagon for a child sitting on the platform.
My 1st Scooter is made of extremely durable plastic material just as the wagons with the famous historical name. The bright red color with white lettering is a match to the old-fashioned Flyer from the 40's and 50's. My 1st Scooter is also available in pink and white.
Children between the ages of two and five are learning a lot about balance, coordination and broad motor activities. Riding scooters helps to improve these skills. Safety must be built into the scooter with such features as being able to get on and off the toy easily. Unlike a tricycle, the youngster can just step only the platform. It is not necessary for a child to climb over the top to get started.
Another scooter manufactured by Radio Flyer is called the Little Red Scooter. The child interested in this model is likely to be a little older. At age 5, some children are too big to fit comfortably on the scooter. Ankles can get bumped and scratched due to the length of the scooter platform. This scooter is slightly trickier to operate, as well.
The Little Red Scooter is great inside or outside for the preschooler. It is more maneuverable for a child because the single wheel in front is easier to turn than a double wheel.. At the same time, because there is not as much resistance to turning the scooter, a child who gets in a hurry can be involved in some spectacular crashes. When the scooter goes one direction and the child goes in another direction, it's likely that band-aids will be necessary.
If you are purchasing a Radio Flyer Scooter for a lucky youngster you should be aware of other safety equipment to protect the child. Child-size helmets help to prevent head injuries from falls and collisions. A child outfitted with knee and shin pads won't end up with scraped knees so easily. A set of elbow pads will eliminate many of the scraped elbows that can occur from contact with pavement. Modern day safety equipment is lightweight yet durable. - 29956
Young children who are fascinated by a razor will be able to manage a 1st Scooter. The model intended as an early childhood scooter known as the Flyer is created with a concern for the safety of the very young child. Physical abilities may not yet be developed to the point where the child can safely operate a standard scooter.
Stability is an important part of the design of My 1st Scooter. There are two front wheels and 1 rear wheel. This means scooters are less likely to turn sharply and send the operator tumbling. Standard scooters place the single wheel in front of the platform with the double wheels in the read. A scooter can be used as a tow wagon for a child sitting on the platform.
My 1st Scooter is made of extremely durable plastic material just as the wagons with the famous historical name. The bright red color with white lettering is a match to the old-fashioned Flyer from the 40's and 50's. My 1st Scooter is also available in pink and white.
Children between the ages of two and five are learning a lot about balance, coordination and broad motor activities. Riding scooters helps to improve these skills. Safety must be built into the scooter with such features as being able to get on and off the toy easily. Unlike a tricycle, the youngster can just step only the platform. It is not necessary for a child to climb over the top to get started.
Another scooter manufactured by Radio Flyer is called the Little Red Scooter. The child interested in this model is likely to be a little older. At age 5, some children are too big to fit comfortably on the scooter. Ankles can get bumped and scratched due to the length of the scooter platform. This scooter is slightly trickier to operate, as well.
The Little Red Scooter is great inside or outside for the preschooler. It is more maneuverable for a child because the single wheel in front is easier to turn than a double wheel.. At the same time, because there is not as much resistance to turning the scooter, a child who gets in a hurry can be involved in some spectacular crashes. When the scooter goes one direction and the child goes in another direction, it's likely that band-aids will be necessary.
If you are purchasing a Radio Flyer Scooter for a lucky youngster you should be aware of other safety equipment to protect the child. Child-size helmets help to prevent head injuries from falls and collisions. A child outfitted with knee and shin pads won't end up with scraped knees so easily. A set of elbow pads will eliminate many of the scraped elbows that can occur from contact with pavement. Modern day safety equipment is lightweight yet durable. - 29956
About the Author:
Buy your kids a toy from your past, the Radio Flyer Scooter. None of the other toys are quite like this one. Your kids are guaranteed to have a great time on this scooter.