Remember that just like you maintain your physical appearance to appear and feel healthy, your dog needs physical care & proper grooming to lead a good, healthy life. Grooming one's dog constitutes a vital obligation of the dog owner. Every dog owner should buy a good dog grooming kit that comprises tools to carry out the basic activities of dog grooming:
Brushing your dog's fur is essential to insure good fur and a shining, healthy coat. Since a couple of dogsdogs are reluctant to have their hair brushed, it is an easy work.Dogs with long hair require daily brushing while very short haired dogs need it once a month. Frequent brushing during shedding ensures prevention of hair buildup & excessive shedding.
Nail trimming or filing of nails needs extra care and knowledge as trimming nails too close would lead to bleeding paws and instill a permanent fear in the dog's mind against nail trimming.
Most dogs demand to be bathed on monthly basis, though the time interval depends upon the fur type & condition. It's best to use a soap-free dog shampoo to keep the coat clean and shining. By all means, avoid human shampoo if you don't want your dog to come down with rashes. A severely matted dog might need a thorough shave.
Ear care includes wiping the ears clean with cotton swabs dipped in ear cleaners. Dogs with long and droopy ears &/ or those with infections need frequent treatment, often with unique medication.
Fur trimming or haircuts are essential at regular time intervals, depending on the texture and length of the hair. This can be done by an experienced, confident owner or a professional groomer on a cleaned, tangle free dog coat. Maintaining a clean coat prevents fleas and parasites.
Ensure the items in your dog grooming kit to see if they are suitable for your unique breed of dog. As for clippers, an ergonomic shape is the best. Make sure that the clipper doesn't involve any complexed system of removing and attaching blades. Also, it should be tough, shouldn't heat up too soon and be equipped with a quiet, fast motor.
Everybody should always keep a clotting agent or a astringent pencil handy in the dog grooming kit while cutting nails, so that the dog can be attended to if its paws start bleeding.
After a bath followed by drying with an absorptive towel, it's important to blow dry your dog's coat. A dog grooming kit may or may not contain a blow dryer. Use a blow dryer specially designed for dogs. A human one might singe the coat of the dog.
If one does not want to get one's home wet & hairy, doing it in the garden or backyard is a good idea. One can groom a dog on the ground or on a table. - 29956
Brushing your dog's fur is essential to insure good fur and a shining, healthy coat. Since a couple of dogsdogs are reluctant to have their hair brushed, it is an easy work.Dogs with long hair require daily brushing while very short haired dogs need it once a month. Frequent brushing during shedding ensures prevention of hair buildup & excessive shedding.
Nail trimming or filing of nails needs extra care and knowledge as trimming nails too close would lead to bleeding paws and instill a permanent fear in the dog's mind against nail trimming.
Most dogs demand to be bathed on monthly basis, though the time interval depends upon the fur type & condition. It's best to use a soap-free dog shampoo to keep the coat clean and shining. By all means, avoid human shampoo if you don't want your dog to come down with rashes. A severely matted dog might need a thorough shave.
Ear care includes wiping the ears clean with cotton swabs dipped in ear cleaners. Dogs with long and droopy ears &/ or those with infections need frequent treatment, often with unique medication.
Fur trimming or haircuts are essential at regular time intervals, depending on the texture and length of the hair. This can be done by an experienced, confident owner or a professional groomer on a cleaned, tangle free dog coat. Maintaining a clean coat prevents fleas and parasites.
Ensure the items in your dog grooming kit to see if they are suitable for your unique breed of dog. As for clippers, an ergonomic shape is the best. Make sure that the clipper doesn't involve any complexed system of removing and attaching blades. Also, it should be tough, shouldn't heat up too soon and be equipped with a quiet, fast motor.
Everybody should always keep a clotting agent or a astringent pencil handy in the dog grooming kit while cutting nails, so that the dog can be attended to if its paws start bleeding.
After a bath followed by drying with an absorptive towel, it's important to blow dry your dog's coat. A dog grooming kit may or may not contain a blow dryer. Use a blow dryer specially designed for dogs. A human one might singe the coat of the dog.
If one does not want to get one's home wet & hairy, doing it in the garden or backyard is a good idea. One can groom a dog on the ground or on a table. - 29956
About the Author:
I have seen some huge bargains on almost all dog merchandises, including dog grooming kit, dog medications and even dog grooming kit e-books. Sample the internet site and find out for yourself.