Prepaid gas rebate cards are gas cards that have a specific amount of money pre-loaded on them. Many times it works like a savings account so you must make a deposit before you can start using the card. Once there is money on the card you can then spend up to the amount of money deposited on that card.
Prepaid gas cards are great if you need to keep your fuel costs within a specific budget. You can purchase a prepaid gas card for your monthly gas allowance and then once it is used up that is it, you will have to get creative for your transportation needs. Unlike other gas cards you tend not to get rebates with gas cards.
Prepaid gas cards will be associated with a fixed gas price that tends to be less then the average monthly price of gas, so you are receiving gas savings. Sometime the prepaid card itself will be discounted so you will pay $45 for a $50 prepaid gas card.
The best kind of gas rebate cards are the ones that garuntee a savings at the pump. So no matter what the gas price is you will receive a few cents off per gallon. Sometimes fixed gas price may not be that great as the gas rebate card may actually have a fixed price that is very close to the actual price. If you don't have an expiration date on the card then you can save it for later but many cards expire and you will need to use it so you don't lose any money.
Using a gas rebate credit card can give you more savings in the long run but if your gas rebate credit card gives you savings on all gas station purchases then using your gas rebate credit card to purchase a prepaid gas rebate card can give you the most savings when purchasing gas. If you purchase a discounted prepaid gas card then you will get a discount by using a card as well as a gas discount by using your gas rebate credit card. - 29956
Prepaid gas cards are great if you need to keep your fuel costs within a specific budget. You can purchase a prepaid gas card for your monthly gas allowance and then once it is used up that is it, you will have to get creative for your transportation needs. Unlike other gas cards you tend not to get rebates with gas cards.
Prepaid gas cards will be associated with a fixed gas price that tends to be less then the average monthly price of gas, so you are receiving gas savings. Sometime the prepaid card itself will be discounted so you will pay $45 for a $50 prepaid gas card.
The best kind of gas rebate cards are the ones that garuntee a savings at the pump. So no matter what the gas price is you will receive a few cents off per gallon. Sometimes fixed gas price may not be that great as the gas rebate card may actually have a fixed price that is very close to the actual price. If you don't have an expiration date on the card then you can save it for later but many cards expire and you will need to use it so you don't lose any money.
Using a gas rebate credit card can give you more savings in the long run but if your gas rebate credit card gives you savings on all gas station purchases then using your gas rebate credit card to purchase a prepaid gas rebate card can give you the most savings when purchasing gas. If you purchase a discounted prepaid gas card then you will get a discount by using a card as well as a gas discount by using your gas rebate credit card. - 29956
About the Author: gives you all the tips and info on gas rebate cards. Are you ready to spend less on petrol? Make sure that you know all there is to know about the best gas cards by following the links above.